
CoreWCF 1.4 release introduced Apache Kafka transport support through the publish of 2 new nuget packages CoreWCF.Kafka and CoreWCF.Kafka.Client. The Kafka protocol implementation is provided by taking a dependency on the Confluent.Kafka nuget package and the underlying librdkafka C/C++ library.


Both server and client packages expose a KafkaBinding that should be sufficient to configure security and transport to the broker. However in certain scenario it could be useful to finegrain properties of Confluent.Kafka / librdkafka, this can be achieved by creating a CustomBinding and pulling out the KafkaTransportBindingElement. This element exposes all the properties exposed by ConsumerConfig and ProducerConfig from Confluent.Kafka.

var binding = new KafkaBinding(KafkaDeliverySemantics.AtMostOnce)
    AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest,
    GroupId = "my-group"
var customBinding = new CustomBinding(binding);
KafkaTransportBindingElement transport = customBinding.Elements.Find<KafkaTransportBindingElement>();
transport.Debug = "all";


The table below summarizes the mapping between Confluent.Kafka and KafkaBinding security modes.

SecurityProtocol SaslMechanism ClientCertfiicate CoreWCF KafkaBinding configuration
Plaintext N/A N/A KafkaSecurityMode.None + KafkaCredentialType.None
Ssl N/A No KafkaSecurityMode.Transport + KafkaCredentialType.None + requires configuring CaPem
N/A Yes KafkaSecurityMode.Transport + KafkaCredentialType.SslKeyPairCertificate + requires configuring CaPem + providing a SslKeyPairCredential instance
SaslPlaintext Gssapi N/A supported through custom binding
Plain N/A KafkaSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly + KafkaCredentialType.SaslPlain + providing a SaslUsernamePasswordCredential instance
ScramSha256 N/A supported through custom binding
ScramSha512 N/A supported through custom binding
OAuthBearer N/A supported through custom binding
SaslSsl Gssapi N/A supported through custom binding
Plain N/A KafkaSecurityMode.Transport + KafkaCredentialType.SaslPlain + requires configuring CaPem + providing a SaslUsernamePassword instance
ScramSha256 N/A supported through custom binding
ScramSha512 N/A supported through custom binding
OAuthBearer N/A supported through custom binding

Getting started

First, configure CoreWCF to consume the topic my-topic with consumer group id my-consumer-group. To specify from which offset the consumer want to start consuming messages the AutoOffsetReset property should be provided.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();

var app = builder.Build();

app.UseServiceModel(serviceBuilder => 
    services.AddServiceEndpoint<Service, IService>(new CoreWCF.Kafka.KafkaBinding
        AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest,
        DeliverySemantics = KafkaDeliverySemantics.AtMostOnce,
        GroupId = "my-consumer-group"
    }, $"net.kafka://localhost:9092/my-topic");

Then, configure a client to produce messages to topic my-topic.

CoreWCF.ServiceModel.Channels.KafkaBinding kafkaBinding = new();
var factory = new System.ServiceModel.ChannelFactory<IService>(kafkaBinding,
    new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri($"net.kafka://localhost:9092/my-topic")));
IService channel = factory.CreateChannel();
await channel.CallServiceAsync(name);


The delivery semantic can be configured at the binding level to AtLeastOnce or AtMostOnce.

CoreWCF.Kafka.KafkaBinding = new KafkaBinding
    DeliverySemantics = KafkaDeliverySemantics.AtLeastOnce;

ErrorHandlingStrategy and DLQ support

The error handling strategy can be configured at the binding level to Ignore or DeadLetterQueue. When specifying DeadLetterQueue, DeadLetterQueueTopic should also be provided.

CoreWCF.Kafka.KafkaBinding = new KafkaBinding
    ErrorHandlingStrategy = KafkaErrorHandlingStrategy.DeadLetterQueue,
    DeadLetterQueueTopic = "my-topic-DLQ",